Type of Hybrid cars as Series Hybrid, Parallel Hybrid

Which are the type of hybrid cars?

       Hybrids are mainly classified based on the following criteria:
1. The structure of drive-train 
2. The degree of hybridization

Also as given
1. Depending upon the structure of drivetrain, hybrid vehicles are further classified as:-

Series Hybrid:

In this type of hybrid vehicle, wheels are powered only by an Electric motor which ultimately derives its power from the electric battery. The IC engine installed in the vehicle does not supply power to wheels directly. So, these vehicles need large capacity batteries. 
The series hybrid vehicle is more efficient in low-speed driving involving frequent start-stop.

Parallel Hybrid:

      In this type of a hybrid vehicle, wheels get power from both the IC engine and an Electric Motor. The drivetrain of these vehicles is so designed that it can receive power from both the IC engine and Battery simultaneously. However, the IC engine serves as the main source of power in the Parallel hybrid vehicle.
    As electric battery's role is only to support the engine, these vehicles need a smaller capacity battery. A parallel hybrid is more effective in high-speed driving

Series-Parallel Hybrid/ Power split Hybrid:

This recently developed system is a combination of a series hybrid system and parallel hybrid system. Thus, it takes the best from both the worlds. Depending upon the load on vehicle. It can act like a parallel hybrid vehicle or a series hybrid vehicle. The control module governs the selection of the most suitable mode.
     Almost all modern hybrid vehicle belong to this category E.g. Toyota Prius, Toyota Camry, Honda Civic etc.o

2. Degree of hybridization
Based on degree of hybridization hybrids are classifieds as follows:

A. Mild Hybrid:

    Micro hybrid technology is the lowest level of vehicle hybridization. It contains mainly start stop technology. Here energy stored in an axillary batteries is used to quickly start a vehicle at traffic signal. In india, a common example of micro hybrid is the Mahindra Scorpio.
B. Mild hybrid:
     These hybrid cannot run on electric battery alone as the battery used in them is of higher capacity.
C. Strong Hybrids/Full hybrids :
This vehicle can run in either the IC engine or the electronic battery is used for start stop and also for driving vehicle for short distance at low speed or to aid in acceleration. Above this there are full hybrid and plug in hybrids vehicles where the vehicle can move considerable distance using batteries.

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