Refrigerator and Reverse Carnot Cycle

Reverse Carnot Cycle 


Why Reverse Carnot cycle is an Ideal Cycle...?

      We know that every refrigerator work on the reverse Carnot cycle. as Carnot cycle consist adiabatic portion and isothermal portion one after another. In actual conduction required adiabatic portion speed of piston is high, and isothermal portion speed of piston s slow, which is impossible in actual condition That's why Reverse Carnot cycle is an ideal Cycle. 

What are the processes in Carnot cycle...?

            It consist two reversible isothermal processes and two reversible adiabatic processes
As given
Process 1-2 :-Reversable isothermal heat absorption from low temperature...
Process 2-3 :- Reversible adiabatic compression
Process 3-4 :- Reversible isothermal heat rejection at high temperature
Process 4-1 :- Reversible adiabatic expansion

                    It means that heat absorption and heat rejection take place at constant temperature. Also compression and expansion take place at constant pressure.

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